Madill City Council approves housing addition


The Madill City Council’s monthly meeting was on April 10. Items one through five were general housekeeping items.

Item six was to discuss and take action on approving the platt for 1000 S. 5th Ave. housing addition known as The Vines, located in the city of Madill. The Council approved the platt that was previously approved by the Planning and Zoning Board.

Item seven was to discuss and take action on approving the City of Madill receiving a grant for 19 new computers and Bitdefender Gravity Zoned Email Cybersecurity in the amount of $36,476.00. The council approved the grant which was written on behalf of the City of Madill by CBO Technologies and will require the city to match the $36,476.00 grant monies; the matched amount will be refunded to the city after the purchase of computers and cybersecurity software.

There was nothing for agenda item eight, so the councel moved on to item nine. It was the financial report from the city manager; $296,662.84 sales tax revenue, $31,021.52 in use tax, revenue at 130.40%, and expenses at 96.87%.

Item 10 was the city manager's reportfromJamesFulligim. He spoke about movimng season, trash pickup, the baseball fields, the success of the Easter Egg Hunt and a future movie night in the park.

Levi Jeffery spoke up during agendaitem11andasked for time to talk about and issue. He recently recieved a citation he recently received for an open fire pit/grill that he purchased from a local retailer five to six years ago but is considered illegal per city ordinances. Jeffery explained that he had had the grill/fire pit for years with no recourse and that he wanted to have clarification about the ordinance.

Counceil member Fred Stanley inquired about the nature of the fire pit and if it emits smoke and sparks. Jeffery replied that it did, given the nature of the materials he used to burn in the pit, which was pecan wood from his trees.

Jeffery asked the council to make these fire pits/grills to be exempt from the ordinance. After further discussion, Jeffery was thanked for bringing this to the attention of the council and explained that anything that was not a propane or charcoal grill or a chiminea is considered illegal per city ordinance.

Fulligim, explained that anycitationwhetherfromthe fire chief or chief of police was up to the discretion of the offices issuing the citation and this particular matter does not fall under the discretion of the city council.

The Madill City council meets at 5:15 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month in the Library Room at the Fred Stanley Center. Meeting agendas are available uponrequest.Thephone number to city hall is (580) 795-5586