Kingston City Council decides on city agenda items


On February 8, 2022, The Kingston City Council held their monthly meeting to discuss many items on the agenda. The main one being the appointment of Scott Kordeliski to the vacant seat.

The first and second item on the agenda was the approval of minutes, purchase orders, financials, and one year of Air-Evac insurance for all city employees and volunteer firefighters. Agenda six was over an adjustment on the agreement with the Ardmore Animal Shelter, which was approved at the monthly meeting held on March 8, 2022.

Items seven and eight were over the Inter-Local Agreement between Marshall County and the town of Kingston, and allowing the police department to scan and destroy old records/evidence, both were approved.

Agenda item nine was over amending the police department policy regarding days in the work week. It will be tabled until further notice.

Items ten and eleven discussed the payment of $100 a month to Teddy King in place of the town paying for his health insurance, and the appointing of Scott Kordeliski to the vacant trustee seat. Both were approved.

Agenda item twelve was the discussion of the ARPA funds, which was tabled. The council then went into an executive session, until it was opened back up to the public for an open session. The following were discussed and approved: Joel Rogers was given 30 days to improve and to revisit his evaluation after that time, the motion to give Kenneth Taylor a raise for his 90-day evaluation and a raise for his water license retroactive to January 1, the motion to accept Greg Hunnell's retirement as of February 28, 2022. He was then re-hired part time for the Kingston Public Works in the March 8, 2022 meeting, the motion to accept Donny Santino's resignation, the motion to give Cosechia Lofton a raise for her 90-day evaluation retroactive to her 90 day date, and the motion to actively seek candidates for the KPWA supervisor position. The meeting was then adjourned.

On February 24, 2022, The Kingston City Council held a special meeting to discuss a few items. Agenda item one discussed the motion to give volunteer firefighters a $500 COVID bonus (excluding individuals who have already received one). The motion was approved. The motion to hire Rusty Taylor as temporary KPWA supervisor for 90 days contingent on attendance and work ethic and having all necessary licenses within one year was approved. The motion on hiring Mike Hobbs for supervisor of KPWA was tabled. The meeting was then adjourned.

Then, on March 8, 2022, The Kingston City Council held their monthly meeting. Agenda items five and six were the discussion about the sewer issue for Debra Wright, and the flooding issue for Danny Bokies, both were tabled. Agenda item seven and eight discussed a new phone system and the purchase of a heated pressure washer for the fire department, both were tabled.

Agenda item nine and ten were the discussion of contract for collections on utilities and new agreement with Ardmore Animal Shelter, both were approved.

Items eleven and twelve discussed a five-year plan for the CIP grant and Disposal of Surplus Right-of-Way, both were approved.

Agenda item thirteen on Code Supplement Resolution #03-08-22 was approved, and item fourteen on the Aramark invoice proposal was tabled.

After the executive session, the following agenda items were approved: Joel Rogers raise, Brady Bailey's resignation and the hiring of Montreal Jarell Linzy as full time police officer. As of March 31, 2022, Mike Hobbs will be resigning his position as he will be out of the city limits. His seat is vacant and waiting to be filled until further notice. The meeting was then adjourned.