
Editor’s note: The following letter to the editor is in response to Thomas L. Knapp’s opinion article published last week, and Thom Hartmann’s opinion printed above.

Dear Editor,

Obfuscate - "to confuse, bewilder or stupefy." That's what Libertarian advocate Thomas Knapp did in last week's column, "Peak Libertarianism? Sore Loser."

Upon searching, I found the article Knapp is allegedly responding to. It's a Counterpunch article (7/20/20) by progressive talk show host, Thom Hartmann. The title: "The Disastrous Handling of the Pandemic is Libertarianism in Action. Will Americans Finally Say Good Riddance?" It's out there if you want to read it.

Right out of the gate, Knapp engages in name calling Hartmann's claim, and therefore Hartmann himself, as "bizarre" and "crazy." Then he offers to provide a counter argument which he never delivers.

He engages in a Data Dump of official statistics for government spending, posing as "informed," while ignoring and obfuscating Hartmann's argument. It's a disappointing read from an author who claims to be a libertarian intellectual, and who ought to know better.

This guy's main trick is this rhetorical "sleight of hand" to divert and distract your attention from his Original Offer. Then he trashes his target with snide innuendo, and name calling. I believe you can do better than Thomas Knapp.

Stephen Willis, Kingston