Bost: Simple mental health resolutions for 2020

  • Bost

As the new year dawns, so does the hope for a better and more prosperous year. Resolutions are a popular way to determine specific goals and make paths toward success come into focus.

Here are six simple resolutions to make for better mental health.

Resolution: Take control of your life - There are many aspects of life, such as flat tires, taxes, and bad haircuts, that cannot be avoided. However, much more of life is in our control. Take an inventory of your life. Think through your relationships, your career, your commitments, etc. What is life giving and what is detrimental to your mental well-being? Once you determine what changes you want to make create small sustainable goals down a path that will take you to a brighter future. Resolution: Find a routine that

Resolution: Find a routine that works for you - Everyone is different and therefore the things that work for one person won’t work for another. Stop trying to do what should work and find what does work for you. A healthy diet, exercise and a normal sleep schedule are essential for good mental health. Talk with your doctor about developing healthy habits. Be honest, if you hate running, then quit trying to be a runner and take up biking or rowing. Find a routine that you look forward to and it will be easy to keep.

Resolution: Build your support network - Keeping in touch with friends and family is a fundamental part of maintaining good mental health. Build a community of support that includes family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, a faith community and people you meet through activities and hobbies. Having a large number of people that you can count on and who count on you is part of cultivating good mental health. These supportive relationships allow you to be heard and provide an opportunity for your personal needs to be met.

Resolution: Avoid drugs and alcohol - Try to avoid drugs and alcohol. While using drugs or alcohol may seem appealing in the moment, they are harmful to your long-term mental health. Avoiding alcohol in particular can be challenging when socializing and attending networking events, so find strategies that work for you. If you do use alcohol or drugs, be honest and tell your therapist or doctor because it affects your care plan.

Resolution: Unplug from social media - Social media is a great way to stay connected but can also create a disconnection. For some, social media feeds only create more anxiety or depression. Comparing your life to someone else is simply unrealistic. Taking a break for a few hours a day might give you the time to connect with others and even focus on your own self-care.

Resolution: Stay positive - Surrounding yourself with positive people and messages makes you feel better. Think about what makes you optimistic and hopeful and create an environment that supports that feeling. Do you love to travel? Always be planning your next trip. Even if it’ll be several years away looking ahead will bring you happiness long before you head to the airport. Love animals? Find a local shelter to volunteer at. Find those things that make your day brighter and find ways to infuse them into your daily life.

NAMI Oklahoma provides plenty of opportunities to help you meet your mental health resolutions from leading a NAMI class or attending one of our many support groups offered across the state. Give us a call, we’d love to help. For more information on NAMI Oklahoma, visit