Texoma Fire District: Control Burn and Space Heaters


Remember, to plug space heaters directly into the outlet and keep everything three feet from them in all directions. Also, be sure to check the batteries in all your smoke detectors. If you do not have a smoke detector in your home, please, call Chief Todd Cissell at (580) 565-4491 and he will get one to you.

With the nice weather coming up, you’re going to want to burn leaves and doing control burns, but remember, DO NOT Burn on a windy day, and make sure those fires are out before leaving them unattended. If you are going to do a controlled burn call the Sheriff’s office at (580)795- 2221. You can also call Chief Cissell at (580) 565-4491.

ANYONE interested in joining the Texoma Volunteer Fire Department, please contact Chief Todd Cissell at (580) 565-4491. Everyone is welcome, men and women.

A very special thank you to Specktacular Foods, located on McDuffee Rd. for the pizzas that were furnished to the firefighters on January 1 while they were fighting a house fire. Your caring nature is appreciated.

On Wednesday evenings from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Lighthouse United Methodist Church has a “No strings attached” meal for the community so you are all welcome to attend.