Rix Quinn: Organization


I once read a book on getting organized. Unfortunately, right now it’s lost.

First, throw away stuff you don’t need, like old gum wrappers, telephone books before 1997, and dead bugs. Keep important things like theTV,theDVDplayer,and anyautographedphotowith a name you recognize.

Next, sort your papers. For instance, school papers go in one pile. Bills and unreturned phonemessagesgo in a different stack. So does toilet paper, unless that’s where you write phone messages.

Look under couches, chairs, beds, and cabinets for small items like earrings, necklaces, and watches. I found cuff links at one apartment, and I wore them proudly until someone told me they were actually paper clips.

Pack boxes by category. A box marked “bed” might contain sheets, bedspread, and pillows. Note: Do not try to put the entire bed in a box, because it would be too hard to lift.

Have you inspected your new apartment? Before you move in, check the carpet for signs of dirt. It’s a bad sign if you have to check the dirt for signs of carpet.