Nursery rhymes


As I get older, I try to learn something every day. That’s not always possible, because some days I just watch reruns.

I’m not alone in this mission. My friend Lucas spent months trying to read deeper meanings into old nursery rhymes.

For instance, “Incy Wincy Spider climbed up the water spout. Down came the rain, and washed the spider out. Out came the sun, and dried up all the rain. And Incy Wincy Spider climbed up the spout again.”

Lucas claims this is about perseverance.Spiderisdetermined to get to the top.

Myquestionis:Whywould this arachnid keep re-climbing? Thirst? Higher quality insects to trap at the top? Better access to the web?

Here’s one of my favorites: “A wise old owl sat in an oak. Themoreheheard,thelesshe spoke. The less he spoke the moreheheard.Whyaren’twe all like that wise old bird?”

Seriously, this is great advice. Yesterday in the cafeteria, I listened. Here’s what I heard.

Two older golfers discussed a particularly difficult sand trap. At the next table, a group of ten gathered to hear their company’s income report.

Then, amidst this drudgery, two twenty-somethings sitting next to me – obviously dating – talked about their upcoming weekend in detail.

Much like the owl, for the first two conversations I didn’t give a hoot.

But that last dialog was so spicy I fell out of my chair trying to hear. But I just told the couple I had a balance problem.

Want another nursery song? “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands. If you’re happy and you know it, and you really want to show it, if you’re happy and you know it clap your hands.”

I tried this walking downtown last Saturday. Any time I suddenly felt happy, I started clapping.

This attracted two other clappers with alternative rhythms,aharmonicaplayer, a juggler, and a dog that walked on its back legs.

We open next Thursday night at the civic center.