Can you fondue?

  • Fondue is an easy, elegant addition to any dinner. Courtesy photo
    Fondue is an easy, elegant addition to any dinner. Courtesy photo

As a young adult chef looking for fun ways to host gatherings, I found that fondue was an easy addition to any party. Fondue is a special treat if you’re a cheese lover.

The term “fondue” comes from the French word “fondre” which means “to melt.” Even though today, we think of fondue as anything from chocolate to beef broth in a hot pot, for the Swiss, there’s no other fondue but cheese. Just add a sturdy crusty bread for dipping and you’ve got yourself a party.

Where does the delectable dish originate? Though you might find fondue as an après-ski snack now in the Alps and across the U.S., it originated as a peasant dish in the Swiss canton of Valais, a French canton known for its wine, cheese, and gorgeous mountains. Fondue appears in cookbooks as early as the late 17th century.

Though theories vary on the origins, fondue started mainly as a way for peasants to use winter ingredients as they aged: cheese, wine, and bread. In 1930, the Swiss Cheese Union declared fondue as the official national dish of Switzerland as part of a nationwide campaign to increase cheese consumption.

The Swiss Cheese Union, a cartel of cheese makers, set the price of milk, limited production and restricted the types of cheeses Swiss producers could make. The union may have collapsed at the end of the 1990s, but fondue as a national dish was here to stay. So, gather some friends or a special date and try this cheesy dish.

2 cups milk 1 tablespoon Worcester

1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce

2 teaspoons ground dry mustard

1 clove garlic, peeled and crushed

3 tablespoons all-purpose flour

6 cups shredded cheddar cheese

In a medium saucepan over low heat, mix the milk, Worcestershire sauce, ground dry mustard, garlic and flour. Heat until almost boiling. Gradually stir in cheddar cheese. Continue heating until all the cheese has melted. Keep the mixture warm and melted in a fondue dish.