BC: March Shennanigans


The month of March brings Daylight Savings Time and the first day of spring. A time to renew and reflect the times past. Warm days lie ahead.

The “Burning of the Socks” event will be hitting Buncombe Creek at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, March 13, 2021. Many activities are planned. Be sure to come on by and toss those socks in the fire and switch to your flip flops.

Free hot dogs will be served and lots of fun for the kids as well. The Ladies Auxiliary will have a quilt raffle to help benefit the various charities. Also, the members of Jurassic Park will be selling raffle tickets for the Axe Board and axes that will help benefit needs for the Park.

The Buncombe Creek Ladies Auxiliary will be meeting at the Shay CC for their monthly meeting and potluck on Tuesday, March 16, 2021 at 11:30 a.m. Also, March 11, 2021, the Buncombe Creek Volunteer Fire Dept. will be holding their monthly meeting at the fire station at 7:00 p.m.

The department has a need for new members and donations would be greatly appreciated to obtain much needed fire equipment and provide various training that goes with keeping the members up to date. Let’s show these men and women First Responders that they are greatly appreciated!

Be sure to turn your clocks ahead one hour as Daylight Savings Time begins March 14, 2021. Also, the leprechauns will be out and about performing their shenanigans on Wednesday, March 17, as St. Patrick’s Day will be upon us. Be sure to wear green. Hope you all have a safe and happy week.