Leap year babies and birthdays

  • Leap year babies and birthdays
    Leap year babies and birthdays

What does the term “leap year” mean? A leap year is when there is an extra day in the year added at the end of February. This means that instead of the 365 days in a year, a leap year has 366.

Typically, it is believed that it takes the Earth 365 to orbit the sun. However, it actually takes 365.24 days. The extra time for leap year is added to account for the extra .24.

If leap year wasn’t added, the orbit would mess up the Gregorian calendar. It would make the calendar start six hours before Earth officially completes its orbit.

What does this mean for people born on February 29? According to the History Channel, approximately five million people were born on leap day. Many people choose to celebrate their birthday on either February 28 or March 1, since the actual day to celebrate only comes around every four years.

Some leaplings – a term used to identify people born on leap day – decide to celebrate big. One leapling said his celebrations have evolved over the years.

“It used to be February for the reasons that I identified more with that month compared to March,” the leapling posted online. “But these days, I honestly like to celebrate both days or even the entire week. It seems only fair, and it works and it feels great.”

Some said that they were teased in school, and it helped them develop a “thick skin” and not let small things get to them.

Does leap day affect the leaplings’ ages? According to many, people born on leap day age differently. Basically, they are opposite of aging in dog years. For someone born in 1920, they would only by 26. Even though, they would actually be 104. A 52-year-old bornin1972wouldonlybe13.

Even though leap year only happens every four years and typically throws everything out of whack, it’s great for people who like to conceal their real age.