Jo Wood presents program to Rose Garden Club


Madill Rose Garden Club met on Thursday, April 7, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall of the First Methodist Church. Those in attendance were Willa Dean Caldwell, Linda Kaye Green, Kaye Jay, Nancy Kerr, Mary Jane Lowery, Becky Ninemire, Judy Parkey, Sue Shilling, Jo Wood, and one guest Paula Oliver.

Wood presented a Worm Farm presentation to members. She opened her program by explaining the three-tier bin method of worm farming.

She explained what materials are needed and the construction of the farm. Amounts of each material needed were explained and how to layer the materials in the container so the beginning of compost would be successful for the worm farm to be productive.

Several websites are available for information on a worm farm. Food for the worms were also discussed with what could be fed and how much should be fed to the worms.

Worms are a great way to aerate soil in your garden. Their funnels create spaces for air in the soil, reducing soil compaction.

The South Central District Spring Board Meeting was held on March 10 at the Mid America Technology Center in Wayne, Okla. The South Central Fall Meeting will be held in Shawnee, Okla.

Members were impressed with a demonstration by a Vo-Tech student on making hair pieces from fresh flowers. Those attending the board meeting were Green, Nan Lacy, Parkey, Susan Patton, and Wood.

Members will be visiting the Choctaw Cultural Center in Durant on May 5 for their annual spring trip. Lunch will be at the Choctaw Cafeteria. Members are to meet in the west parking lot of the Methodist Church at 9:30 a.m. For anybody who is interested in attending, contact Green.

Green announced that the Texoma Spring Garden Show, sponsored by the Bryan County Master Gardeners, will be held on April 15 and 16 at the Bryan County Fairgrounds. Hours of the show are April 15, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and April 16, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Demonstrations will be held in the Clay Jones Community Building both days.

Hostess Green served chicken salad sandwiches, fruit salad, chocolate chip cookies, and water were served to the members.