Cantrell: Session begins; Houses celebrate Rose Day


I can't believe session is officially here. It's been a busy week at the Capitol!

Wednesday, February 8, we celebrated Rose Day at the Capitol. Hundreds of people presented roses, representing the sanctity of the unborn, to their state senator or representative. In a post-Roe v. Wade world, I am thankful we can defend every child's right to life.

House Resolution 1002, presented by Rep. Tammy West, recognizes the significance of Rose Day.

This year the keynote speaker was Ashley Bratcher, who is known for starring in the movie, Unplanned, whichrecountsaninspiringtruestory of a Planned Parenthood clinic director turned into a pro-life advocate.

I applaud everyone who came to Rose Day for using their voice to advocate for strong pro-life policies.

The governor kicked off the first session of the 59th Legislature on Monday, February 6, with his annual State of the State address.

In his address, he proposed to continue to grow Oklahoma's economy, capitalizing on the progress we've already made. Currently, Oklahoma hasthethirdfastest-growingeconomy in the nation.

His proposal includes rethinking the career tech model, investing in infrastructure and enhancing our military bases. The budget proposal includes almost $655.7 million worth of tax cuts. However, it is for the Legislature to consider and determine.

Once bills are first and second read in their chamber of origin, which happens the first week of session, they can be assigned to committees.

This year the House has 29 regular standing committees and 10 Appropriation and Budget subcommittees.

I will serve as the vice chair of the Oklahoma House of Representatives County and Municipal Government Committee during the 59th Legislature. I am also serving on the Insurance Committee, Rural Development Committee and A&B Health Subcommittee.

This week I also presented two bills to committees.

IpresentedHB1897,whichpassed in the Public Safety Committee. The bill modifies statutory reference to the Oklahoma 9-1-1 Management Authority.

I also presented HB1893, which passed in the Criminal Justice and Corrections Committee. It modifies the penalties for assaulting county elected officials.

On Wednesday, I attended the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Oklahoma. OU’s Fran and Earl Ziegler College of Nursing has partnered with Murray State College and the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma to promote learning across campuses.

Starting this fall, Murray State and OSAO will each offer guaranteed admission to six undergraduate students majoring in nursing to pursue their Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree at the OU College of Nursing’s educational sites at Cameron University in Lawton and Duncan Regional Hospital.

This is an excellent opportunity to increase the nursing workforce across the entire state of Oklahoma.

It was a great first week, and I look forward to working with my fellow legislators during this session to accomplish great things for the state of Oklahoma! Again, thank you for electing me to serve District 49.

It is truly an honor and privilege to represent you at the State Capitol. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 405-557-7383 or

Rep. Josh Cantrell, a Republican, serves District 49 Oklahoma House of Representatives, which covers Carter, Love and Marshall counties.