Cantrell: Heading back to school

  • Cantrell: Heading back to school
    Cantrell: Heading back to school

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer as much as I am! It’s hard to believe the back-to-school season is right around the corner. I’ve spent the summer attending legislative conferences and meeting with various groups or organizations throughout the district.

As school begins, make sure to drive safely and watch out for kids walking and school buses. Let me take this opportunity to welcome back the students, teachers, and support staff. I wish everyone a great start to the new school year.

To the seniors, good luck with your final year of high school. Whether you are attending a trade school or auniversity or entering the workforce, I hope you use this year to prepare for the next stage of life.

This past legislative session, state leaders agreed to a historic education funding package after weeks of negotiations, increasing the funding, especially for rural schools across Oklahoma.

The plan allocates more than $625 million to public schools, adjusts the state formula to support smaller schools, raises teacher salaries statewide and provides teachers with six weeks of paid maternity leave.

Also included is $125 million of funding in the Redbud Fund, which addresses property tax revenue disparities in districts with lower ad valorem bases and helps meet basic infrastructure and maintenance needs so schools can keep their doors open and divert funding to other areas.

In addition to historic investments into public education, the education agreement also includes funding for innovative programs to improve reading levels and ensure students, teachers and staff are safe at school.

Lastly, I would like to thank every educator in House District 49 for their efforts. We all appreciate your commitment and hard work.

Again, thank you for electing me to serve District 49. It is truly an honor and privilege to represent you at the State Capitol. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 405-5577383 or

Rep. Josh Cantrell, a Republican, serves District 49 Oklahoma House of Representatives, which covers Carter, Love and Marshall counties.