Some high tech ways to stop snoring

  • Technology continues to evolve, and some new anti-snoring solutions have been developed. Courtesy photo
    Technology continues to evolve, and some new anti-snoring solutions have been developed. Courtesy photo

When climbing into bed, no one wants to endure a snorefilled night of fits and starts. Snoring may be inconvenient, but it’s more than just disruptive. Snoring may indicate a serious health issue.

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine notes that snoring may be associated with obstructive sleep apnea, a serious sleep disorder and a risk factor for heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and many other health problems.

Men’s Health magazine says some 90 million Americans snore, with 37 million doing so on a regular basis. Men are more likely to snore than women. Sometimes snorers can be so loud they disturb bed mates and even those in nearby bedrooms.

People who snore, and their loved ones who deal with the cacophony each and every night, are often on the lookout for ways to alleviate snoring. Despite an abundance of innovation in recent years, antisnoring solutions have been slow in coming. But technology continues to evolve, and some new anti-snoring solutions have been developed.

• Track your overnight breathing. Snorers can use tracking devices to see just how well they are sleeping each night. When worn at night, devices like FitbitTM can track breathing and will rate which levels of sleep a person reaches: deep, light or REM. It also records if a person awakens during the night, even when people do not realize their sleep was interrupted. This data can paint a clear picture of sleeping behaviors.

• Test snore ratings. Smartphone users can use an app called SnoreLab to rate snoring. The app is left running next to a bed. If it detects snoring, it will record an audio clip and rate the snoring on a scale that ranges from Quiet to Epic. The premise behind the app is that before snoring can be addressed, one must recognize that it is happening in the first place.

• Smart sleep masks. The Hupros Sleep Mask is an example of a smart sleep mask. It works with a smartphone to detect snoring. Then the mask gently vibrates to encourage a person to change positions to open up airways and reduce snoring. The mask also has a nose piece that will be engaged if a change of position doesn’t stop the snoring. It delivers expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP) — allowing a wearer to breathe in through the nose, but making it hard to breathe out in the same way. This creates resistance meant to expand lung volume and reduce airway vibrations.

• Change positions. Another device that is supposed to help a person change positions to relieve snoring is the Philips SmartSleep Snoring Relief Band. It straps around a user’s torso to monitor sleeping po-sition. If snoring occurs, the device will nudge the snorer on his or her side, a position that is less likely to induce snoring.

• Go low tech. While there are many digital devices that may help alleviate snoring, one option does not require a device. A new pillow, such as a wedge pillow, can slightly elevate the head, which may promote better breathing.

Snoring is problematic for millions of people. Turning to technology may help people get