SORD dumps scheduled price increase to Madill


Effective immediately, prices for trash pickup service with Southern Oklahoma Regional Disposal (SORD) will increase by 2.5 percent for Madill residents, said James Fullingim, the city manager of Madill.

This increase results from a clause in Madill’s contract with SORD that states they may raise prices 2.5 percent in the second and fourth year in the 2016 five-year contract, Fullingim said. In 2017, the second year of the contract, SORD decided not to increase prices, he added. Fullingim said the contract will be up for renewal in 2021.

For most residents, their monthly bill will increase 35 cents if they use one polycart or 50 cents if they have two. The increase for a family that uses a single polycart will be paying four dollars more a year, or four medium coffees at McDonalds.

“I’m extremely happy with the service we get from SORD for the price we are paying for what they actually do,” Fullingim said. “Like for our town, not only do you have the polycart, it also includes the bulk pickup that gets set out once a week as well.”

SORD provides a variety of trash pickup options, including a weekly polycart service for citizens and an option of two or three yard dumpster for those with larger trash needs that can be picked up one to five times a week.

For more information, SORD’s main phone lines are (580) 226-1276 and (800) 680-7673.