Ardmore Literacy Leadership Give Back


Ardmore, Okla. – Ardmore Literacy Leadership is responding to reports of unmeet needs of multiple organizations in South Central Oklahoma by organizing Give Back South Central OK, a movement to direct community giving efforts by highlighting the needs of nonprofit organizations in our community.

Each week in November and December, nonprofit organizations and community programs will be spotlighted throughout our networks, along with their wishlist and information about how to make direct donations.

People demonstrate generosity in many ways in our region. Whether it’s helping a neighbor or stranger out, showing up for an issue or people we care about, every act of generosity counts. Highlighting people and organizations working for the causes that matter to our neighbors and encouraging everyone to get involved is ALL’s way of bringing all of us a little closer this holiday season – though many of us are physically separated from folks and causes we care about in order to protect them during the ongoing global pandemic.

Please join us online to ‘meet’ local oranizations who are making a difference. If you want to contribute, you can find more information on ALL’s social media pages on Facebook and Instagram at @ardlitlead, or email Ari at