Texoma Fire District: Call before you burn


The cooler weather is here, and leaves are really beginning to fall. Remember, when you rake up those leaves and get ready to burn, notify the Sheriff’s office at (580)795-2221 for a control burn first. And please don’t burn when the wind is blowing.

Some dates you need to remember are the first Thursday of each month the Texoma Fire District Board Meeting takes place at 6:30 p.m. at the Community Center, everyone is welcome to attend.

The Ladies Auxiliary meets at 1:00 p.m. the third Monday of the month at the Community Center and would love to have ladies in the District to come and join.

Later that evening, at 6:30 p.m. at the Fire Station, the Texoma Fire Department meets.

If you are interested in volunteering for the Fire Department, please call Chief Todd Cizzell at (580)565-4491.

Chief Cizzel reported it was a quiet week for TFD; only one lift assist on an EMS run. Chief is working on the upcoming ISO, as well as more training for our firefighters. On October 16, the Chief will be handing out the new Bunker gear at 6:30 p.m. at the firehouse.

On Saturday, October 12, the Ladies Auxiliary had a very successful Rummage and Bake Sale. Thank you to all who came to support your volunteer firefighters.

Our Volunteer Fireman’s roadside cleanup is coming up on November 2 starting at 8:00 a.m. at the fire department building. There will be a breakfast at the Community Building afterwards. Please come out and join us and show our fire fighters how much they appreciate their dedication.

On Monday October 21, the new officers for the Ladies Auxiliary will assume their offices. The new officers are: President Vangie Sutton, Vice-President Mary Green, Secretary Merry Blevins, and Treasurer Linda Orrson.

Congratulations to all of them and we are looking forward to a wonderful year.

Members of the Ladies Auxiliary having a birthday this week are Ellen Jean Barnes, Judy Griffith, Marlys Johnson, and Nancy Loula.

Don’t forget to mail in your TFD memberships and mark the spot for the Ladies Auxiliary and come and join us in supporting the Texoma Volunteer Firemen.

Lastly, on Wednesday nights at 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., The Lighthouse United Methodist Church has a No Strings Attached meal.

Until next week, stay safe and please keep our fire fighters in your prayers.