Letter to the editor


The Madill Record


L etter to the editor

I am an American. I was born an American and I love America. Even thhoughI'mnotaVeteran,I'llshake the hand of anyone that is. Here’s a shout out to all the hands I can not shake, who gave their lives to keep this country free.

Which brings me to the symbol of our freedom; our American flag. I see so many, and my heart breaks when I see an American flag or for that matter, an Oklahoma flag, on a flag pole faded and ripped. Please take them down.

If you can't replace it, just take it down. It is my understanding that if you call your local Boy Scouts, they will come to your house and take it down for you.

In some cases, they may even be able to put up a new one. The Boy Scouts are looking for ways to earn merit badges for helping take down your old flag and dispose of it properly.

IknowtheOklahomawindplays havoc with flags. But, still we must respect the National Symbol of Freedom that is our American flag. We must salute and honor our flag.

It Stands for America and so do I. So, I respectfully ask any person or business to maintain their flag and let's keep America strong. Thank You.

Randy Sugg Kingston